Testing strategy for our application

In this article it’s time to talk about the way how we are testing our application and the strategy for testing we laid down in the application design phase. The experience in the past showed us that one of the good design outcomes is easy testable application. Therefore from the very beginning along with the application architecture we were designing our testing strategy.

The goal of the testing application is to achieve a flawless work of it. The simplest way how to test an application is to do a manual tests, but these tests definitely are not the most effective. Along with the software development evolution test approaches evolved as well. We already new and applied in our other projects such tests as unit tests, integration tests, functional tests and regression tests. But since in our team we don’t have a person who knows about testing techniques, can develop and design an application, we developers decided to explore different testing strategies together with QA who mostly does the tests manually. So we started to investigate other teams experience, information in books and on the web, and started to lay down foundation for our own test strategy that would fit our needs.

The thing we decided to start with was “Test pyramid” the term Mike Cohn came up with in his book Succeeding with Agile. The pyramid gave us some understanding how to start to organize the tests.

Unit Tests. Taking in to account our own experience, and the information we obtained it was clear that unit tests will be foundation for our test suite. To be able to easy and what is most important quickly write unit tests one should be able to isolate different peaces of software. In case of OOP the paradigm we are following we should be able easy isolate classes. In my opinion this is one of the core principles to successful unit tests. But in order to do that we must have a design that would allow us to isolate the classes. And that is why the dependency injection became very important technique in our software and I even dedicated the whole blog article to it. And to make it easier to implement this principle in our Android application we chose to use Dagger 2 framework. Once we wrote a use case implementation and accompanied unit tests we ask are our QA to test it. Very soon we discovered that despite the fact that we had a quite good coverage of code by unit tests QA still was finding bugs. And as you can guess the errors occurred in the code that interacted with framework, in our case Android framework. So now it became obvious we needed integration tests to make sure that our code callings to third party libraries or framework work flawless.

Integration Tests. According to Test pyramid these tests should be less than unit tests and indeed we already had tests that cover our own code logic, and so in these tests we decided to test only the connection points between our code and the third party libraries. For example in our application we are fetching data from the server and caching the data in database. In our Android application we are using Room persistence library. There is no really way how to test DAO interfaces, without performing the operations on database. And so we had to write tests that involve Room library. Another example is our code that interacts with our back end server via Retrofit library. And again we had to write tests that involve Retrofit library. Although these tests were written in the same manner as unit tests using Junit test framework they covered more than our class or method and were considered as a separate type of tests.

UI tests. The main reason why we decided to write UI tests is because we wanted to fully automate the test process and make it a part of Continues Integration (CI) process. So for Android we chose Espresso framework and as a firsts test we wrote navigation tests, that made sure that we can navigate to every page we have in our application. Then we wrote the tests only for the errors that QA reported and so comparing with the rest of the tests these are making only small portion of all tests.


Joining client with the back end service


Sooner or later any Android, iOS or Windows application wants to get outside of the local hardware box and start to communicate with the outside world. In case of our application we new that already from the very beginning that we are going to have a back-end web services in one or another way. At the beginning of the project, after the user requirements were set, and the architecture of the solution designed, it seamed quite straight forward to implement our back-end services. Bellow is the architecture we decided to use for our Fitradar system.

But in the process of the implementation we realized that quite often we have to adjust our back-end web services API. So in this article I want to share some experience we had while joining our client applications with back-end web services.

Initial approach

First we divided the whole system in 4 sub-projects:

  • Android application
  • iOS application
  • back-end web services application
  • the project website application

and created 3 teams. We thought the client application teams and web services team will be able to work independently after the APIs and data contracts on the web services were defined. Once we received the UI designs we started to model web services API and data contract between the applications. And when the data contract between the applications was defined the back-end team started to work on the web service implementation, meanwhile application teams started to work on the UI (User Interface) part.

We estimated that by the time application teams will complete one use case UI, back-end team will implement the web services for that use case to the degree that they can start to receive and send data.  The first use case we picked up was user profile creation. The interaction between the client application and back end services went smoothly. Web service received the user profile data and stored that in the database. So we took the next use case – displaying full user profile information to the profile owner and limited information to other application users.

The problem

As we started we thought it will go fast and smooth since all we needed was to fetch already stored data from our web service. But soon we discovered that the data coming from the web service is not complete. We needed to display some statistics about the user activity. Since on early stage of development and user requirement gathering we new very little how the statistics will be calculated, we assumed that some of them we will be able to calculate in the clients application and some we will be calculated on the back-end server. It turned out that some statistics we were not be able to calculate in the client’s application and we needed to fetch more data from the server but on the other hand to calculate statistics on the back-end server we needed more input data from the user during the profile creation. So we had to change the data contract for the user profile creation and for user profile fetching web service end points. And when was the time to move to the next use case – sport event creation, we decided to call for a meeting to find a better approach.

Different approach

After some brainstorming we decided that both teams should work simultaneously on one or two use cases. When we had to work on use case that shows some data we kept an eye on the use case that sends this data to the back-end web service.  It means that we always started with the use case that fetches data from the web service and displays data to user. Application team started with UI that was unambiguous, since we had UI designs and we new quite well what we want to see in the UI. In the development process along with UI layout View Model was created. This View Model clearly defined what data we need in order to meet the design and functional requirements. Now we could see what business layer entities can provide the required data. And once the entities were defined for the use case we could tell what endpoint we need and more important what data these endpoints should provide. So at this point the data contract for fetching data was quite stable (it had some minor changes later nevertheless, but mostly because we decided to introduce change in UI design).  And the back-end team now could see if they can provide the required data form the data they will gather. If something was missing on the server the back-end team adjusted the data contract for incoming data accordingly.

To make this process more smoothly and allow the teams to work independently as much as possible application team instead of real network calls used mock objects that returned the required data. And the same did the back-end team for incoming data.

Another thing that back-end team had to keep in mind was, if we really should be the ones that provide the requested data. For example, after user profile use case analysis it quickly became clear that we should delegate the user’s profile picture storage to third party services like Cloude Storage


The one thing we learned is that the more complex project is the more difficult is to come up with precise requirements. We were familiar with the agile development model and applied it extensively on the project bases, but we thought that the interface between the client and the back-end is clear from the initial requirements. We were wrong, the web service interface was changed in several iterations because the discovered more requirements for the client application. So the conclusion we made is that for bigger projects we have to apply iterative development approach for the whole system, we can’t really make the projects independent from each other. We had to check the initial web service interface after each implemented use case and see if we need to make changes there. So are final web service API and data contracts after several use cases looked quite different than that we designed in the beginning.


Keeping the code growth under control

The other day I had a discussion with one of our team members about how to keep classes readable and don’t end up with huge files containing thousands of lines and hundreds of methods. It turns out that this question deals with the very basics of Object Oriented programming and I decided to give my view on some of the OOP principles that help me keep a code growth maintainable and get my code to comply with good design principles. One of the first principles that comes to my mind is Single responsibility principle (SRP) that states “Each software module should have one and only one reason to change”. Frankly for a long time I had a hard time to apply this description to daily code and therefore I came up with my own steps derived from other OOP principles that help me to follow this principle.

Starting Point

Since lately I was developing either webservices, websites or mobile applications then my starting point is one of the widely acknowledge architectural patterns It gives me a good starting point with project structure and files, where I can start to add a code. For this moment these patterns are well established and I really suggest to go with one of these design patterns unless you are developing a very simple application and don’t have plans to evolve the project. And if you know the project will be something more than delegating CRUD requests to the database, then it is worth to start already with layered project structure where Model in MVC, MVP or MVVM is organized in Business Models, Services and Repositories. And maybe even consider the whole Domain Driven Development approach. But how to estimate the starting architecture for the application is a topic for another article.

Single responsibility principle for methods

Then next I start to fill provided methods (actions in controllers in case of web-services or activity’s lifecycle methods in case of Android application) and observe how my starting methods evolve. These methods are placed where I start to apply the Single responsibility principle for methods. Once I have methods that have only one reason to change I switch my focus to classes. And here are some rules I follow to achieve SRP in my methods:

  • DRY (don’t repeat yourself). If I discover that several methods share a common piece of code I extract the common code in a separate method and make it reusable for other methods. I think this is one of the first principles of clean code most of the developers learn. And since this principle is so fundamental then many IDEs included the method extraction as part of their refactoring tool set.
  • I check whether there are common variables more than one method is operating on. If there are such variables I make them class level private fields. I repeat this step every time when a new method is extracted. And if several classes have common fields or extracted methods then it is time for new base class.
  • I make sure the methods I extract are doing what its name suggests. If a method’s name contains one verb then I make sure the method is either command that changes the state of the object or it returns data. And if the method name contains more than one verb it is obvious that the method is doing more than one thing. Sometimes it is acceptable. For example in cases when I write logs along the method’s basic logic. If tools or frameworks allow handling such method side behavior I extract it as an aspect.
  • I respect the levels of abstraction and try to keep method statements on the same abstraction level. One sign of that I might be violating this rule are a long loop and if bodies. The statements in long bodies most likely belong to lower level abstraction than the statements outside the loop or if. But sometimes on high-level method I have to call a single line of lower abstraction code, then I leave it.
  • I keep the number of method arguments short. If I need more than 2 arguments, then maybe it is time for new class, and instead of several primitive types, I should be passing a class as a method argument.
  • And finally, I use cohesion level description to match my methods against different cohesion types and see that I am avoiding Procedural, Logical, and Coincidental Cohesion.

Single responsibility principle for classes

As code evolves I start to have more and more methods in classes provided by initial architecture and fields in those classes. Now I check if it is not the time to split my classes. For a long time, I had a hard time to choose the right class for a method. And one of the reason were examples I was reading about in books and articles on the Internet. Those examples were focusing mainly on the names of methods and classes and how by names estimate the relationships between methods. But soon I discovered that using only names can lead to subjective decisions. Although many OOP principles are subjective from my point of view anyway (in case of SRP someone could argue that keeping all methods in one class is more convenient than creating a hierarchy of classes, and one should use an IDE for navigation between the methods instead of file system navigator) I wanted to use something measurable that would allow me to estimate how tight the relationship between a method and its containing class is. And one of such metrics I found is cohesion. Low cohesion means methods inside the class are independent of each other. On the other hand, high cohesion means methods in the class are strongly related. But how can we express this relationship in numbers? It turns out there are several cohesion metrics that give a developer insight into relationships between methods. And sometimes distributing methods to classes according to the cohesion level among them, one can discover new classes, he didn’t even think about before. And here are the description of some of the cohesion metrics. The metric I am using the most is “Lack of Cohesion of Methods” (LCOM) metric, that for each field in a class counts the number of methods that reference it. Then it sums up the number of methods and divides the result with a count of methods times the count of fields and subtract the result from one, like this: 1 – (NumberOfMethodsReferencingFields /(NumberOfMethods * NumberOfFields)). The metric ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 means high cohesion and 1 low cohesion.

Following these rules, I was able to achieve the Single Responsibility principle in my modules.

P.S. Visit our website and join the mailing list! Our app is coming soon: http://fitradar.me/

Another programming language!

During the last year while searching and exploring code examples of Android’s new technologies like Jet pack architecture components our team noticed that more and more code on the git hub is posted only in Kotlin – the new programming language for Android platform. And that raised a question in our team, is this new kid on the block something that can speed up our app development even more and we should start to prepare for another transition? And as usually we started to explore and see what benefits the new language can bring. But for me all this recalled my own experience with programming languages and how I was switching between different languages.

My first encounter with programming happened at high school and the first language I learned was BASIC. The friendship with BASIC lasted only a year. When I started to study at university I switched to Pascal. Yes, that was quite long time ago. At that time most of the software I was producing was dealing with mathematics and were command line utilities. I didn’t see a much difference between those two languages except that now in Pascal along the variables I had to declare their types. The course at university was organised so that students had to start with some high level language and gradually switching to C/C++. So far in the length of time I was switching from simple to more complex languages, and at that point of time it didn’t seem that switching to more complex language would ease the programming process, on the contrary the C/C++ comparing with BASIC made it harder to write software that solve mathematical problems. And that was the first time when I learned about the Programming domain. C/C++ gave me the ability to write software for almost any domain. But at the same time for some tasks more high level languages were preferable. After C/C++ followed SQL and Java, then C# and JavaScript. When I switched from C++ to Java the same task could take 10-25% less coding. Now the operations with text were easier and all pointers were gone. When I learned C# and that was the time when Microsoft released C# version 2.0, but Oracle had Java 1.5 I noticed in cases where callbacks and events where used in C# I could type 5-10% less code. But this increase in productivity was only in certain programming domains, like Windows applications. In other areas like embedded systems or OS C was still the main option, and the arise of new languages didn’t really affect those fields. The main conclusion I made for myself was that if a new language emerges, then most likely it speeds up development only in certain domain.

And what about Kotlin? The creators of Kotlin JetBrains claim that replacing Java with Kotlin will allow developers be more productive. After playing with Kotlin little bit and converting some existing Android classes into Kotlin we saw that it could really be the case. Then we looked at oficial Kotlin’s documentation where Kotlin is compared with Java and although some of the features we are really missing in Java like Data classes, Null-safety and Extensions we didn’t really see anything groundbreaking. And we were about to put Kotlin aside for this project since :

  • our team doesn’t feel yet so comfortable with Kotlin that we could produce code that is easy readable and follow best practices. To master the language requires time.
  • The productivity we would gain would not outweigh the time we would spent on learning the new language

We assumed if we want to switch to the new language we have to convert the whole application code base to the new language and keep coding in Kotlin, but then we noticed this tutorial saying that we can mix Java and Kotlin in one project. And we saw this as a good opportunity some of the files write in Kotline. And one of the first candidates for Kotlin we chose entities and DTO. It requires to learn very few new syntax and classes can be made much smaller thanks to getting rid of getters and setters. We decided to spend some time on learning Kotlin and once we learn the feature that really reduces the number of code lines and brings something valuable in code comparing with Java we will write that peace of code in Kotlin. In such way we hope we can keep the same development speed while learning new language and at some point of time start to reduce the development time comparing with Java. It worked well in time when I switched from C/C++ to Java and now it looks like it is time to switch from Java to Kotlin.


Migrating to the new navigation system

In my last article I mentioned that we migrated to the new Android’s navigation system that is a part of Android Jetpack components. This time I want to share some implementation details. Usually in my posts I don’t really like to share the actual code, but only concepts, since there are plenty of implementation examples for the particular concept, and I don’t want to repeat what the others already wrote, I rather prefer to explain the reasoning behind the one or another decision. But while migrating to the new navigation system our team has faced a few challenges, that was not possible to resolve just by reading available documentation and copying code examples, therefore I think some implementation details we came up with might help someone who is striving to master the new navigation system.


After all our Fragment and Activity analysis we came to conclusion that we should have several activities In our application which would serve as hosts for set of Fragments. And the features we used to group by the fragments were:

  • common master layout
  • common UI logic
  • common use case

So we started to explore the documentation and look for code examples, that would help us to understand how to implement the navigation from one navigation graph to the other graph hosted in different activities. And very quickly we realized that the documentation and examples available on the Internet are heavily focused around a single Activity application and navigation between the fragments hosted in one navigation graph. Although official Android documentation mentions that the new navigation system supports Activities as destinations. The biggest challenge was to find a way how to assign the start destination to navigation graph at runtime depending on various parameters. In our app user should be able to create a sport event and later edit it or delete it. All fragments related to sport event we decided to put in one navigation graph. But the start destination in this graph depends on whether user wants to create a new sport event, edit previously created sport event or see other user’s sport event. So we could not assign the start destination at design time in navigation graph but we had to do it at runtime. Since we could not find enough information how to do it, we started to consider other solutions.


Spending hours on reading documentation and exploring examples we started to think maybe we should use only one Activity. And put all UI logic from the other Activities in this one and show/hide the parts in UI which are needed/not needed for active fragment. But very soon it became clear that this universal hosting activity is getting very big and it is hard to read it and we have to add additional logic for hiding and showing views in Activity. The hosting activity became something opposite we were striving for – smaller and more manageable classes. So we dropped this idea and started to consider moving the views from Activities to Fragments, that Fragments would contain all the necessary views and UI logic and hosting Activity would be left only with NavHostFragment. That would mean that views like BottomNavigationView and Toolbar now would be located in several Fragments. We could ofcourse use include tag but that still would not remove the need to repeat the same include tags in several fragments. So we didn’t really like this idea either, since it looked like we are violating the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. And we got back to the idea about several activities. This time in order to find a solution we started to dig in to the navigation components source code, and after awhile we came up with the following implementation that allows assign a start destination to a navigation graph at runtime:

private void initNavGraph() {
    NavHostFragment navHostFragment = (NavHostFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()
    NavInflater inflater = navHostFragment.getNavController().getNavInflater();
    NavGraph graph = inflater.inflate(R.navigation.nav_sport_event);
    String sportEventId = getIntent().getStringExtra(EXTRA_SPORT_EVENT_ID);
    long calendarEventId = getIntent().getLongExtra(CalendarContract.Events._ID, -1);
    if (calendarEventId == -1 && sportEventId == null) {
    } else {
    this.mNavController = navHostFragment.getNavController();

The above method creates new navigation graph and sets the needed start destination, and passes arguments we set in Intent when started the hosting Activity. In such way we can pass needed arguments further to the start destination. And finally we set this new navigation graph with defined start destination and arguments in navigation controller.